Small Group Coaching
Expanding, Learning and Creating Together

Hi There.
I am always creating and updating the details, topics and dates of my Group Coaching offerings. (See below).
I am perpetually pursuing knowledge and experience to keep me up-to-date and in prime form for supporting my clients.
Goal & Clarity Group
This group is ideal for women who are finding themselves unfulfilled and underwhelmed with their current experience and expression of life. This group offers focused support and coaching to help you gain CLARITY (power) toward your purpose and potential and to set goals that raise your vibration to its HIGH excitement and confidence for natural fulfillment!
Spiritual Sisterhood
This is a small comforting and encouraging support group for women interested in connecting and encouraging on the topic of conscious and spiritual MIND-EDNESS. If you appreciate the work of Neville Goddard, Joe Dispenza, Dr. Joseph Murphy and the like, this group helps you navigate your life spiritually (and less egoically).
Networking Group - Care, Connect & Collaborate!
This is the future of professional networking. Small Group for small business owners or Solo-preneurs who are looking for a more personable, energizing, supportive and authentic way to connect and succeed Business to Business.
To join one of my small Groups:
Please GET IN TOUCH with me if you are interested in learning more about my group offerings.

Work with me
I am based in the Illinois but can travel to speak at your event or hold workshops all over the US
If you have any questions or would like to discuss an event or workshop for your event, get in touch!