4 Words That Do Not work FOR you + worksheet

You know that feeling. That moment when you’re faced with a goal or situation that needs addressing, and your mind kicks into gear. Ideas start flowing as you think about how to solve it, followed quickly by thoughts of why each approach won’t work or would be too difficult. Each potential solution breeds a new set of concerns, until that initial spark of motivation dims under the weight of “what ifs” and “yeah buts.” Days pass, then weeks, then months, and there you are – in exactly the same place, with exactly the same unrealized goal, wondering why nothing ever seems to change.

The Power You Already Have

Here’s something exciting: you already possess everything you need to break this cycle. The same mind that creates those familiar thought patterns can infact, re-create them. It all starts with recognizing how your everyday words shape your actions – or inaction.

Words: Your Hidden Success Switch

Think of your words as switches in your brain. Every time you use certain words, you flip emotional switches that either energize or drain you. The best part? You get to choose which switches to flip.

The Four Energy Drainers

Let’s look at four common words that more often than not, work against your momentum and success:

“The Problem is…”

Problem: When you say “problem,” your body gets a slight trigger into a stress response. But what if this situation or thing you are looking at is not a problem at all? What if it’s actually an invitation or a prompt to get tap your creative genius?

“I am going to try to …”

“Try” seems harmless, but this has a great way of leaving a back door open for not following through. Trying usually triggers a response in the body that is much like when you are in a game of ‘who can hold their breath for the longest’. There is a lot of energy given to it, but, no actual movement. Your wisest and best word here is, as Yoda says: “Do or Do Not, there is no Try”.

“As soon as I figure out ‘How’ to do it’, I get on it.”

“How” often leads to overwhelm because it demands a perfect plan. Instead of “how,” replace it with “Way”. ‘What are some ways I could get started on moving closer to my target or end goal?’ and watch your energy rise and your path become clearer, immediately.

“I am going to do it, but it’s going to be hard”

“Hard” tells your body to brace for challenge, difficulty and/or some level of discomfort. Why would you do that to your Self? Why not just see it and say it as, “EASY”? It literally and truthfully is your choice for what words you use to speak about things. So I ask you, “What is your honest preference?….do you prefer your experience of life, learning, growing and creating to be Hard or Easy?

Your Brain’s Natural Programming

You’ve learned language by mirroring others, by the culture you live in, how you were raised, and by your own personal journey. You have been unconsciously picking up words and languaging likely without clarity and understanding of its effects on how you think and speak to yourself. Here’s really good news – if you learned these patterns unconsciously, without effort, you can absolutely learn new ones while absolutely aware of them and with personal intent.

The Simple Shift

Changing your self-talk is EASY. Just like you once learned to ride a bike or drive a car, you can train your mind to use new language patterns. Start small – catch yourself using one limiting word and swap it for an energizing alternative. Instead of asking “How will I do this?” try “What are a few ways I could achieve this?”.

The beauty is that each small shift in language creates an immediate shift in how you feel. And when you feel better, you naturally take action with more ease, confidence and certainty. It’s like turning up the dial on your internal motivation, one word at a time. Before you know it, you’ll find yourself automatically choosing words that fuel your momentum rather than drain it.

Remember, you don’t have to overhaul your entire vocabulary overnight. Pick one word to transform this week. Notice how different it feels. Then let that success carry you forward into the next change. Your new, empowering language patterns will become as natural as your old ones – just a whole lot more useful.

Your Next Step

Fill out the worksheet designed to help you integrate this article.

Remember: your words are tools. You get to choose your self talk!

Your Personal Language Power Worksheet

Let’s begin unlocking the power in your words!

1. What is a current challenge you are experiencing and how does it make you feel?


Example: “I feel anxious whenever I look at my bank account” or “I get tense thinking about that conversation I need to have with my boss”

2. What thought about this keeps repeating in your mind?


Example: “I’ll never get ahead financially” or “There’s no way this conversation will go well”

3. What’s your best idea so far for improving this situation?


Example: “I created a spreadsheet to track expenses” or “I wrote down talking points for the conversation”

4. Has this approach moved things forward for you?

Moving forward means: Any improvement in how you feel, think, or act about the situation


Example: “The spreadsheet helped me see patterns but I still feel stuck” or “Having notes makes me feel more prepared but I haven’t scheduled the meeting yet”

5. What insights do you have about your response to question 4?


Example: “I realize I need a different approach because tracking alone isn’t enough” or “I see that having a plan isn’t the same as taking action”

Power Tip: 

Notice the words you used in your answers. Circle any that might be holding you back (problem, try, hard, how, never, can’t). These are clues to where you can shift your language to create new momentum!

Remember: Every awareness you gain here is a step toward using your words more powerfully!

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